What is Homeopathy?
It is a system of medicine developed 200 years ago by a German physician and chemist called Samuel Hahnemann.
- It is based on the principle of “Like Cures Like” or The Law of Similars: illness can be successfully treated by giving infinitesimal doses of substances that, if given to healthy individuals in higher amounts, will cause symptoms similar to those of the illness being treated.
- Homeopathy focuses on treating the whole individual not the isolated symptom. Its goal is to attain the patient’s overall well-being, improving their quality of life.
- It aims to stimulate the body’s inner capabilities to heal itself.
- It cures gently and permanently with highly diluted natural substances.
- It treats physical, and mental/ emotional complaints.
- It has been successfully used in the treatment of acute ailments such as sport injuries, colds, influenza, sore throats, cuts, fever, diarrhoea, food poisoning, shock, short-term insomnia, insect stings, reactions to vaccinations or drug therapies, etc.
- It has also been successfully used in the treatment of chronic conditions such as eczema, allergies, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, migraines, obesity, incontinence, depression, etc.
It does not produce side effects.
- It has proved to be safe and effective for elderly, babies and animals.
- It is a system of medicine that can be successfully used by itself, or in conjunction with conventional medicine.
- It is the most widely used form of alternative medicine in the world (WHO).
- It is a medical modality that is part of the medical system in Ontario. Bill 171, The Health System Improvement Act, legislated and enacted Homeopathy as a new Regulated Wealth Profession in Ontario in “Homeopathy Act 2007.”
What is Classical Homeopathy?
Classical homeopathy follows Hahnemann’s principles and rules and uses only one remedy at a time.